研究将空气污染与肺癌病例激增联系起来,特别是在非吸烟者和妇女当中。 Study links air pollution to a surge in lung cancer cases, especially among non-smokers and women.
《柳叶刀呼吸法医学》的一项新研究表明,非吸烟者的肺癌病例有所增加,特别是目前占大多数的肾癌病例。 A new study in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine shows a rise in lung cancer cases among non-smokers, especially adenocarcinoma, which now accounts for most cases. 这项研究将大约200 000个案例与空气污染联系起来,对妇女和亚洲人口产生重大影响。 The study links about 200,000 cases to air pollution, with a significant impact on women and Asian populations. 研究人员强调,空气污染是肺癌发作的一个因素,人们日益关注这一问题。 Researchers emphasize the growing concern of air pollution as a factor in lung cancer development.