新德里的医生将空气质量差与体重增长、荷尔蒙问题和其他健康风险联系起来。 Doctors in New Delhi link poor air quality to weight gain, hormonal issues, and other health risks.
新德里的医生警告说,空气质量差,除了呼吸道和心血管问题外,还会导致体重增加、肥胖和荷尔蒙问题。 Doctors in New Delhi warn that poor air quality can lead to weight gain, obesity, and hormonal issues, in addition to respiratory and cardiovascular problems. 空气污染物可改变新陈代谢,引起炎症,扰乱荷尔蒙,增加胰岛素抗药性,降低生育率。 Air pollutants can alter metabolism, cause inflammation, and disrupt hormones, leading to increased insulin resistance and reduced fertility. 专家们建议减少对受污染空气的接触,并保持身体活动,以减轻健康风险。 Experts recommend reducing exposure to polluted air and staying physically active to mitigate health risks.