研究发现,海洋动物通过在最佳深度游泳,节省长途旅行的能量。 Marine animals conserve energy on long journeys by swimming at optimal depths, study finds.
研究人员发现,鲸鱼、海龟和企鹅等海洋动物通过在近最佳深度游泳,在长途旅行中节省能量。 Researchers found that marine animals like whales, sea turtles, and penguins save energy on long journeys by swimming at near-optimal depths. 通过在地表下游几条长度的体积,它们避免产生波浪和减少能源浪费,这对于生存和繁殖至关重要。 By swimming a few body lengths under the surface, they avoid creating waves and reduce energy waste, crucial for survival and reproduction. 该研究利用诸如加速计和深度记录仪等技术,揭示了这一跨物种的共同战略,强调其对养护努力的重要性。 Using technology like accelerometers and depth loggers, the study revealed this shared strategy across species, emphasizing its importance for conservation efforts.