一项新研究发现,海洋动物通过在大约三个体长的深度游泳而节省能量。 Marine animals save energy by swimming at depths of about three body lengths, a new study finds.
Swansea和Deakin大学的研究人员发现,海洋动物,包括哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物,在为节省能源而旅行时,在相似的相对深处游泳。 Researchers from Swansea and Deakin Universities found that marine animals, including mammals, birds, and reptiles, swim at similar relative depths when traveling to save energy. 通过游动大约三个身体长度,它们最大限度地减少了波浪的形成,减少了垂直运动,为长距离迁移节省了能量。 By swimming about three body lengths deep, they minimize wave formation and reduce vertical movement, conserving energy for long-distance migrations. 这项研究发表在PNAS上,分析了来自五个国家六个研究所的数据。 This study, published in PNAS, analyzed data from six institutes across five countries.