海豚可以探测到比以前想象的低军事声纳水平,根据UC Santa Cruz的研究。 Dolphins can detect lower military sonar levels than previously believed, per UC Santa Cruz study.
UC Santa Cruz研究人员进行的一项研究表明,海豚能够以低于先前设想的音响水平探测军事声纳。 A study by UC Santa Cruz researchers revealed that dolphins can detect military sonar at lower sound levels than previously thought. 研究观察了34个海豚群,发现在对声纳照射作出反应方面行为发生了重大变化,这表明敏感度提高。 The research observed 34 dolphin groups and found significant behavioral changes in response to sonar exposure, indicating heightened sensitivity. 这些调查结果可能影响环境保护努力和军事行动,突出表明需要更好地了解海豚的回声定位能力及其声学环境。 These findings may impact environmental conservation efforts and military operations, highlighting the need for better understanding of dolphins' echolocation capabilities and their acoustic environment.