科学家跟踪年轻的海龟,发现它们积极游泳,而不是漂浮在海洋中。 Scientists track young sea turtles, finding they swim actively rather than drift in the ocean.
科学家们利用卫星追踪器 发现了年轻海龟 在他们以前神秘的"失落年"中的动向 Scientists have used satellite trackers to uncover the movements of young sea turtles during their previously mysterious "lost years." 与以前的看法相反,研究显示,这些海龟积极游泳,而不是随洋流漂流。 Contrary to earlier beliefs, the study reveals that these turtles actively swim rather than drift with ocean currents. 这项涉及绿海龟和伐木头等濒危物种的研究显示,海龟在大陆架水域和开阔海洋之间移动,对海龟在墨西哥湾的早期生命阶段提供了重要见解。 The research, involving endangered species like green turtles and loggerheads, showed the turtles moving between continental shelf waters and open ocean, providing critical insights into their early life stages in the Gulf of Mexico.