12月,日本工业产出在机械和电子产品增长的驱动下上升了0.3%。 Japan's industrial output rose 0.3% in December, driven by machinery and electronics growth.
日本工业产出在2024年12月增长了0.3%,这是两个月来首次增长。 Japan's industrial output increased by 0.3% in December 2024, marking the first rise in two months. 机械和电子部件产量的提高助长了这一增长,机械产出上升了2.9%,电子产品上升了2.1%。 This growth was fueled by higher production in machinery and electronic components, with machinery output up 2.9% and electronics up 2.1%. 经济、贸易和工业部预测1月和2月将进一步增长,但注意到由于美国贸易政策即将发生变化而带来的不确定性。 The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry forecasts further growth in January and February but notes uncertainty due to upcoming changes in U.S. trade policies.