NC Asheville的Swannanoa河路在飓风破坏后重新开业,部分部分仍在修复中。 Swannanoa River Road in Asheville, NC, reopened after hurricane damage, with parts still under restoration.
北卡罗来纳州东部Asheville的Swannanoa河路的一段路段在被海伦飓风摧毁后已重新开放。 A section of Swannanoa River Road in eastern Asheville, North Carolina, has reopened after being destroyed by Hurricane Helene. 北卡罗来纳州交通部在120天之内完成了重建项目。 The North Carolina Department of Transportation completed the reconstruction project in under 120 days. 虽然一些路段仍然关闭,但道路现在对旅行来说是安全的,而且随着持续恢复的继续,驾驶员应预期会定期关闭通道。 The road is now safe for travel, though some sections remain closed, and drivers should expect periodic lane closures as ongoing restoration continues.