Asheville附近的70号美国公路上的一座桥在海伦飓风破坏后重新开通,方便了当地交通。 A bridge on U.S. Route 70 near Asheville reopens after Hurricane Helene damage, easing local traffic.
美国位于北卡罗来纳州Asheville附近70号公路上的一座被飓风海伦破坏的桥梁已重新开通,缓解了该地区的拥挤状况。 A bridge on U.S. Route 70 near Asheville, North Carolina, damaged by Hurricane Helene, has reopened, easing congestion in the area. 该桥每天约有16 000辆汽车使用,但被关闭数月,造成I-240和I-40等附近道路的交通问题。 The bridge, used by about 16,000 vehicles daily, was closed for months, causing traffic issues on nearby roads like I-240 and I-40. 北卡罗来纳州交通部宣布重新开放,这标志着当地社区面临挑战时期的结束。 The North Carolina Department of Transportation announced the reopening, which marks the end of a challenging period for the local community. 修复费用约900 000美元,涉及结构修复和建造新的保留墙。 The repairs, costing around $900,000, involved structural rehabilitation and building a new retaining wall. 尽管重新开放,该州的其他公路仍然受到影响。 Despite this reopening, other highways in the state remain impacted.