热带风暴海伦袭击北卡罗来纳州,造成大面积破坏、洪水和停电。 Tropical Storm Helene hit North Carolina, causing widespread damage, flooding, and power outages.
热带风暴海伦娜在北卡罗来纳州造成严重破坏, Tropical Storm Helene wreaked havoc in North Carolina, causing widespread damage with downed trees, flooding, and power outages. 主要道路封锁影响到Durham和Raleigh,Asheville和Fayetteville报告说,洪水和建筑受到严重破坏。 Major road closures affected Durham and Raleigh, while Asheville and Fayetteville reported significant flooding and building damage. 应急服务对多起事件作出反应,包括Cary的墙倒塌。 Emergency services responded to multiple incidents, including a wall collapse in Cary. 救援任务在田纳西州发起, 数十人因为暴风雨的灾难性洪水, 被困在医院屋顶上。 Rescue missions were launched in Tennessee, where dozens were stranded on a hospital roof due to the storm's catastrophic flooding.