环境团体起诉加拿大部长未能保护濒危虎鲸。 Environmental groups sue Canadian ministers over failure to protect endangered killer whales.
六个环境团体正在起诉加拿大环境和渔业部长未能建议紧急命令保护不列颠哥伦比亚省濒临灭绝的南方居民虎鲸。 Six environmental groups are suing Canada's Environment and Fisheries Ministers for failing to recommend an emergency order to protect the endangered southern resident killer whales in British Columbia. 尽管采取了临时措施,但一项联邦评估发现,由于水下噪音、船舶碰撞和缺乏食物,依然存在着迫在眉睫的威胁。 Despite interim measures, a federal assessment found an imminent threat remains due to underwater noise, ship collisions, and lack of food. 紧急命令可以执行更严格的保护,如噪音上限和船舶限制。 An emergency order could enforce stricter protections like noise caps and vessel restrictions. 根据《濒危物种法》,该诉讼要求部长的拖延是非法的。 The lawsuit claims the ministers' delay is unlawful under the Species at Risk Act.