新西兰法院裁定政府数十年来未能保护海洋物种, New Zealand court rules government failed to protect marine species for decades, citing "unlawful policy."
新西兰高等法院裁定,保护部数十年来一直未能保护海洋物种,援引野生生物法规定的不调查和不起诉的“非法政策”。 The New Zealand High Court ruled that the Department of Conservation (DOC) failed to protect marine species for decades, citing an "unlawful policy" of non-investigation and non-prosecution under wildlife laws. 法院发现,在管理和报告商业捕捞中受保护的副渔获物物种方面存在着系统性的失误。 The court found systemic failings in managing and reporting protected species bycatch in commercial fishing. 这项裁决可以导致对副渔获物实行更严格的限制,并更好地保护信天翁和海豚等物种。 The ruling could lead to stricter limits on bycatch and better protections for species like the albatross and dolphins.