联邦法官裁定加拿大环境部长推迟了濒危的北方斑点猫头鹰保护,为未来的物种行动树立了先例。 Federal judge rules Canada's Environment Minister delayed endangered northern spotted owl protection, establishing precedent for future species actions.
一名联邦法官裁定,加拿大环境部长史蒂芬吉尔博(Steven Guilbeault)拖延太久才建议对不列颠哥伦比亚省极度濒危的北斑点猫头鹰发出紧急保护令。 A federal judge has ruled that Canada's Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault, took too long to recommend an emergency protection order for the critically endangered northern spotted owl in British Columbia. 法官认为,根据《濒危物种法》,这种延迟是不合理的。 The judge found that the delay was unreasonable under the Species at Risk Act. 这一决定为加拿大未来保护濒危物种的行动树立了先例。 This decision sets a precedent for future actions to protect endangered species in Canada.