民主党联合起来反对特朗普停止联邦援助, 指控他伤害弱势公民。 Democrats unite to oppose Trump's halt on federal aid, accusing him of harming vulnerable citizens.
民主党聚集一堂,反对特朗普总统关于停止联邦财政援助的决定,这是他第二个任期的第一个统一立场。 Democrats have come together to oppose President Trump's decision to halt federal financial assistance, marking their first united stand of his second term. 他们指控特朗普伤害包括家庭、老年人在内的弱势公民, They accuse Trump of harming vulnerable citizens, including families, the elderly, and defunding essential services. 像CNN的Bakari Sellers这样的批评者认为民主党对特朗普的行动反应缓慢, Critics like CNN's Bakari Sellers argue Democrats have been slow to respond to Trump's actions, such as freezing spending and firing inspectors without notice. 民主党在对抗特朗普的举动方面面临着挑战,因为国会缺乏多数席位。 Democrats face challenges in countering Trump's moves due to lacking majorities in Congress.