特朗普政府冻结了联邦拨款和贷款,导致医疗补助等重要计划陷入混乱。 Trump administration freezes federal grants and loans, causing confusion in vital programs like Medicaid.
特朗普政府暂停了联邦拨款和贷款,导致医疗补助、教育和清洁能源等计划陷入混乱和中断。 The Trump administration has paused federal grants and loans, causing confusion and disruption in programs like Medicaid, education, and clean energy. 最近 Medicaid 网站的宕机加剧了人们的担忧,尽管白宫声称没有付款受到影响。 A recent outage of the Medicaid website added to concerns, though the White House claims no payments were affected. 民主党人批评了这一举措,一些人提起诉讼以阻止冻结,认为这可能会非法切断对重要项目的资金。 Democrats criticize the move, with some filing lawsuits to block the freeze, arguing it could illegally cut off funding to vital programs. 白宫坚称,社会保障和医疗保险等直接福利不受影响。 The White House insists that direct benefits like Social Security and Medicare are unaffected.