联邦法官暂时阻止了特朗普冻结联邦资金(包括医疗补助)的命令。 Federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's order freezing federal funding, including Medicaid.
特朗普总统下令冻结联邦资金,影响了包括医疗补助在内的许多政府项目,但一名联邦法官暂时停止了该命令。 President Trump ordered a freeze on federal funding, affecting many government programs including Medicaid, but a federal judge temporarily halted the order. 民主党人批评此举是非法的,认为它扰乱了基本服务,而白宫则坚称它不会影响医疗补助和社会保障等直接福利。 Democrats criticize the move as illegal, arguing it disrupts essential services, while the White House insists it won't impact direct benefits like Medicaid and Social Security. 冻结引起了混乱,并短暂关闭了对医疗补助资金门户的访问,影响了超过 7400 万美国人。 The freeze caused confusion and briefly shut down access to Medicaid funding portals, affecting over 74 million Americans. 法院将很快审查此案。 The court will review the case soon.