密歇根州消防员抗议州警, 推动一项法案解决人手短缺问题。 Michigan firefighters protest at the state capitol, pushing for a bill to address staffing shortages.
密歇根州数以百计的消防员聚集在州角斗士面前,推动众议院第4688号法案,这将允许在集体谈判中讨论人员配备水平问题。 Hundreds of Michigan firefighters gathered at the state capitol to push for House Bill 4688, which would allow staffing levels to be discussed in collective bargaining. 消防员警告密歇根州每10万居民中只有50名消防员, The firefighters warn that Michigan has only 50 firefighters per 100,000 residents, less than neighboring states, and that inaction could lead to the bill's expiration, worsening staffing shortages. 批评者认为,该法案可能给地方政府带来负担,而不涉及农村地区。 Critics argue the bill could burden local governments and not cover rural areas.