洛杉矶的野火造成300多亿美元的保险损失,摧毁了15 000多座建筑。 Los Angeles wildfires cause over $30 billion in insured losses, destroying over 15,000 structures.
洛杉矶的野火已造成300多亿美元的保险损失,超过2018年营火造成的120亿美元。 Los Angeles wildfires have caused over $30 billion in insured losses, surpassing the $12 billion from the 2018 Camp Fire. 由于15 000多个建筑物被毁,保险索赔可能需要数年才能解决。 With over 15,000 structures destroyed, insurance claims could take years to resolve. 加利福尼亚州法律授权保险公司向流离失所的房主支付财产估计价值的三分之一和4个月的租金。 California law mandates insurers pay one-third of the estimated value of belongings and four months' rent to displaced homeowners. 专家建议房主审查自己的政策,征求第二意见,必要时作出上诉决定。 Experts advise homeowners to review their policies, seek second opinions, and appeal decisions if needed. 他们还建议申请紧急救灾援助基金灾害援助。 They also recommend applying for FEMA disaster assistance.