加州保险专员(California Insurance Commission)说,LA消防受害者错过了要求的预付索赔款。 LA fire victims miss out on required claim advances, says California Insurance Commissioner.
据加利福尼亚州保险专员Ricardo Lara说,一些洛杉矶消防受害者没有收到必要的生活费用和财产损失索赔预支款。 Some Los Angeles fire victims are not receiving required claim advances for living expenses and lost possessions, according to California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara. 保险公司在法律上有义务在宣布紧急状态后4个月内提供这些资金。 Insurers are legally obligated to provide these funds within four months of a declared state of emergency. Lara促请保险公司迅速处理这些付款,以帮助受害者满足搬迁和儿童保育等基本需求。 Lara has urged insurers to process these payments quickly to help victims cover basic needs like relocation and childcare.