年轻英国人,特别是来自德国的年轻英国人,正前往马来西亚、智利和泰国等国家探险和低价生活。 Young Brits, particularly from Gen Z, are moving to countries like Malaysia, Chile, and Thailand for adventure and cheaper living.
年轻英国人,特别是来自Gen Z的年轻英国人,正越来越多地迁至更温暖、更负担得起的目的地,如马来西亚、智利和泰国,自2019年以来,迁至马来西亚的比例高达29%。 Young Brits, especially from Gen Z, are increasingly relocating to warmer, affordable destinations like Malaysia, Chile, and Thailand, with relocations to Malaysia up 29% since 2019. 因素包括对冒险的渴望、负担得起的生活成本以及马来西亚的“马来西亚是我的第二故乡”等举措。 Factors include the desire for adventure, affordable living costs, and initiatives like Malaysia's 'Malaysia is My Second Home.' 欠债也影响了这一趋势,使青年人在海外拥有住房更加可行。 Brexit has also influenced this trend, making homeownership abroad more feasible for young people.