爱尔兰的研究显示,由于费用高昂和住房问题,有12.7%的25岁儿童离开了爱尔兰。 Irish study reveals 12.7% of 25-year-olds have left Ireland due to high costs and housing issues.
爱尔兰中央统计局的一项研究表明,由于生活费用高和住房问题,有12.7%的25岁人口已经离开爱尔兰。 A study by Ireland's Central Statistics Office shows that 12.7% of 25-year-olds have left the country due to high living costs and housing issues. “在爱尔兰成长”研究强调98%的受访者关心住房问题。 The "Growing Up in Ireland" study highlights that 98% of respondents are concerned about housing. 青年人指出,就业机会有限和生活费用高昂是他们移居国外的原因。 Young people cite limited job opportunities and the high cost of living as reasons for emigrating. 研究强调需要解决这些问题,以改善青年人的条件。 The research underscores the need to address these issues to improve conditions for young adults.