由于美国的成本和压力, 四名美国人搬到了国外, 在葡萄牙,希腊,巴厘岛和冰岛找到更好的生活方式. Four Americans moved abroad due to U.S. costs and stress, finding better lifestyles in Portugal, Greece, Bali, and Iceland.
由于美国生活费用高昂、政局紧张、文化操控等原因, 4名美国人移居海外, Four Americans have moved abroad due to the high cost of living, political tensions, and hustle culture in the U.S., finding increased life satisfaction in their new homes. Cara West 搬到葡萄牙,然后搬到希腊以更好地平衡工作与生活,Steven Guo 搬到印度尼西亚巴厘岛以降低生活成本,而 Jewells Chambers 搬到冰岛是因为那里的自然风光和生活方式。 Cara West relocated to Portugal and then Greece for a better work-life balance, Steven Guo moved to Bali, Indonesia, for a lower cost of living, and Jewells Chambers moved to Iceland for its nature and lifestyle. 这些外籍人士报告说,他们很少想返回美国。 These expats report little desire to return to the U.S.