77 名移民从希腊南部爱琴海的一艘失事游艇上获救,无人失踪或受伤;被送往纳克索斯岛临时避难。 77 migrants rescued from disabled yacht in Greece's southern Aegean Sea, no missing or injured; taken to Naxos for temporary shelter.
黎明前的一次行动中,77 名移民从希腊南部爱琴海的一艘失事游艇上获救。 77 migrants were rescued from a disabled yacht in Greece's southern Aegean Sea during a pre-dawn operation. 希腊海岸警卫队和多艘船只参与了救援,没有人员失踪或受伤的报告。 The Greek coast guard and several ships participated in the rescue, with no reported missing or injured individuals. 目前尚不清楚这些移民的国籍,但他们被带到了基克拉泽斯群岛的纳克索斯岛寻求临时庇护。 The migrants' nationalities were not immediately known, but they were taken to Naxos in the Cyclades island group for temporary shelter. 此次救援发生在走私团伙从土耳其运送移民到意大利的常用路线上。 The rescue took place along a route commonly used by smuggling gangs transporting migrants from Turkey to Italy.