在爱尔兰,由于住房费用高昂,大多数25岁的人与父母一起生活,但仍希望购买住房。 In Ireland, most 25-year-olds live with parents due to high housing costs but still hope to buy homes.
在爱尔兰,几乎所有25岁的人都对住房状况感到担忧,70%的人由于经济原因与父母同住。 Nearly all 25-year-olds in Ireland are worried about the housing situation, with 70% living with their parents due to financial reasons. 尽管如此,80%的人预计将来会买房子。 Despite this, 80% expect to buy a home in the future. 中央统计局的研究还表明,60%的人拥有学位,每周收入中位数为558欧元。 The study by the Central Statistics Office also showed that 60% have a degree, and the median weekly income is €558. 然而,心理健康下降, 更多的女性报告诊断出抑郁症或焦虑症。 However, there's a decline in mental health, with more women reporting diagnoses of depression or anxiety. 收入不平等是显而易见的,拥有学位的人每周收入为613欧元,而没有学位的人每周收入为485欧元。 Income inequality is evident, with those having a degree earning €613 weekly compared to €485 for those without one.