都柏林的可支配收入使爱尔兰的可支配收入达到32 393欧元,将差距从朗福德最低者扩大到10 136欧元。 Dublin's disposable income leads Ireland at €32,393, widening the gap to €10,136 from the lowest, Longford.
在爱尔兰,都柏林人均可支配收入最高,比全国平均水平高出32 393欧元,比22 251欧元的隆福最低收入高出14.2%,比22 251欧元的Longford最低可支配收入高出36%。 Dublin has the highest disposable income per person in Ireland at €32,393, 14.2% above the national average and 36% higher than Longford's lowest income at €22,251. 最高县和最低县之间的收入差距已经扩大至10 136欧元,从2022年的8 539欧元上升到2022年的10 136欧元。 The income gap between the highest and lowest counties has widened to €10,136, up from €8,539 in 2022. 边境和中地地区收入仍然较低,在财富和就业方面严重依赖公共部门。 The Border and Midlands regions continue to have lower incomes, relying heavily on the public sector for wealth and employment.