北达科他州国民警卫队完成边境部署,Hoeven参议员为部队服务。 North Dakota National Guard unit completes border deployment, hailed for service by Senator Hoeven.
北达科他州国民警卫队第817工程师公司已完成为期一年的部署, The North Dakota National Guard's 817th Engineer Company has completed a one-year deployment supporting U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the U.S.-Mexico border. John Hoeven参议员赞扬了士兵们的服役,注意到士兵及其家属作出的牺牲。 Senator John Hoeven praised the soldiers for their service, noting the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families. 该单位因其值得赞扬的工作获得许多奖项。 The unit received numerous awards for their commendable work. 自2018年以来,向南部边界部署了4支北达科他州警卫部队,以协助安全工作。 Since 2018, four North Dakota Guard units have been deployed to the southern border to assist with security.