明尼苏达国民警卫队前往中东进行预定部署。 MN National Guard Going to Middle East for Scheduled Deployment.
明尼苏达州国民警卫队第 34 步兵师(被称为“红牛”)正在部署约 550 名士兵,前往中东执行为期 10 个月的任务,以支持“斯巴达之盾”行动和“坚定决心”行动。 The Minnesota National Guard's 34th Infantry Division, known as the "Red Bulls," is deploying around 550 soldiers for a 10-month mission to the Middle East in support of Operations Spartan Shield and Inherent Resolve. 这些士兵中有一半以上将经历第一次部署。 More than half of these soldiers will be experiencing their first deployment. 这些士兵最初将在德克萨斯州卡瓦佐斯堡接受一个月的动员前训练,然后前往中东。 The soldiers will initially undergo a month of pre-mobilization training at Fort Cavazos, Texas, before heading to the Middle East. 预计部署结束日期为 2024 年 12 月。 The anticipated end date for the deployment is December 2024.