国际学生在中国兰州站志愿工作,对中国庞大的高速铁路网感到惊奇。 International students volunteer at China's Lanzhou station, marveling at the country's vast high-speed rail network.
来自兰州大学的国际学生在中国春季节旅行高峰期间在兰州西部火车站志愿工作, International students from Lanzhou University are volunteering at the Lanzhou West Railway Station during China's Spring Festival travel rush, known as chunyun. 来自不同国家的学生协助办理行李、安全检查和问询。 Students from various countries assist with luggage, security checks, and inquiries. 中国的有效购票系统和高速高速铁路网是世界最长的48 000公里铁路网,而且继续扩大,他们对此印象深刻。 They are impressed by China's efficient ticketing system and expansive high-speed rail network, which is the world's longest at 48,000 km and continues to expand.