全球贸易在2024年达到33万亿美元,显示了全球化抵御保护主义挑战的能力。 Global trade hits $33 trillion in 2024, showcasing globalization's resilience against protectionist challenges.
尽管存在保护主义等挑战,经济全球化依然存在,全球贸易预计将在2024年达到创纪录的33万亿美元。 Economic globalization persists despite challenges like protectionism, with global trade expected to reach a record $33 trillion in 2024. 数字贸易和服务推动了这一增长,显示了抵御政治逆风的韧性。 This growth is fueled by digital trade and services, showing resilience against political headwinds. 区域协定,如《区域经济合作计划》和《欧洲防止酷刑和不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》,支持开放发展,同时继续努力建立数字和绿色经济。 Regional agreements like the RCEP and CPTPP support open development, while efforts toward a digital and green economy continue. 为了解决诸如收入不平等等问题,需要一种更具包容性的全球化形式。 To address issues like income inequality, a more inclusive form of globalization is needed.