世贸组织为解决全球贸易问题而进行的改革,重点是绿色发展和数字规则。 WTO reforms to address global trade issues, focusing on green development and digital rules.
世界贸易组织(世贸组织)正在改革,以应对贸易保护主义、供应链中断和地缘政治冲突等全球挑战。 The World Trade Organization (WTO) is reforming to tackle global challenges like trade protectionism, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical conflicts. 它正在调整其作用,以关注绿色发展、数字转型和投资规则。 It is adapting its role to focus on green development, digital transformation, and investment rules. 世贸组织旨在促进低碳增长,使技术革命规则现代化,从而提高其在全球贸易治理中的效力。 The WTO aims to promote low-carbon growth and modernize rules for the technological revolution, enhancing its effectiveness in global trade governance.