全球报告呼吁团结一致,应对气候、粮食和数字挑战,突出中国的作用。 Global report calls for unity to tackle climate, food, and digital challenges, highlighting China's role.
在北京推出的《2024年全球发展报告》强调,必须实现全球团结,应对气候变化、粮食安全和数字转型等挑战。 The Global Development Report 2024, launched in Beijing, stresses the need for global unity to address challenges like climate change, food security, and digital transformation. 专家们强调了在技术进步和全球南方崛起方面的机会,强调了合作的重要性。 Experts highlight opportunities in technological advancements and the rise of the Global South, emphasizing the importance of cooperation. 报告还强调,中国的 " 带和道路倡议 " 和 " 智能教育平台 " 是发展的关键工具。 The report also underscores China's Belt and Road Initiative and smart education platforms as key tools for development.