特朗普行政当局限制了保护堕胎诊所免遭暴力的法律的执行。 Trump administration limits enforcement of law protecting abortion clinics from violence.
特朗普司法部对《FACE法》的执行有限,该法保护生殖健康中心免遭暴力和阻挠。 The Trump Justice Department has limited enforcement of the FACE Act, which protects reproductive health centers from violence and obstruction. 根据新的指导方针,起诉只能在“特殊情况”或“严重加重因素”的情况下进行。 Under new guidelines, prosecutions will only occur in "extraordinary circumstances" or with "significant aggravating factors." 司法部还驳回了三起与诊所封锁有关的民事案件。 The Justice Department also dismissed three civil cases related to clinic blockades. 在此之前,特朗普支持反堕胎抗议者,赦免根据《FACE法》定罪的活动分子。 This move follows Trump's support for anti-abortion protesters and pardons for activists convicted under the FACE Act.