罗伊诉韦德案推翻后,拥有胎儿人格法的州可能会影响 IVF 治疗和患者的决定。 Following Roe v. Wade overturn, states with fetal personhood laws may impact IVF treatments and patient decisions.
罗伊诉韦德案被推翻后,生育和生殖保健面临潜在风险,特别是在有胎儿人格法的州。 Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, fertility and reproductive care face potential risks, particularly in states with fetal personhood laws. 这些法律将胎儿、胚胎和受精卵归类为“人”,这可能会影响试管受精治疗和患者的决策。 These laws classify fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs as "people", which could impact IVF treatments and patient decision-making. 由于州最高法院的裁决使阿拉巴马州的三家试管受精服务提供商面临被起诉的风险,他们已经暂停了试管受精服务。 Already, three Alabama providers suspended IVF care due to state Supreme Court decisions putting providers at risk of prosecution. 医疗保健团体、倡导者和专家表示,其他生育自由也可能受到影响。 Other reproductive freedoms could also be impacted, according to healthcare groups, advocates, and experts.