英国警察局长建议改变藐视法庭法, 以打击社交媒体有关犯罪的谣言。 UK police chief suggests changing contempt laws to combat social media rumors about crimes.
英国大都会警察局长马克·罗利爵士支持审查藐视法庭法的行为,以便尽早分享有关案件的信息,对抗社交媒体的谣言。 The UK's Metropolitan Police Chief, Sir Mark Rowley, supports reviewing contempt of court laws to allow earlier sharing of information on cases to counter social media rumors. 这项建议是在对去年七月南港在网上流传的刺杀事件提出虚假指控后提出的。 This suggestion comes after false claims about last July's Southport stabbings circulated online. 总理认为,更早地分享更多细节可能会危及审判,延误受害者家属的正义。 The Prime Minister argues that sharing more details earlier could jeopardize trials and delay justice for victims' families.