2004年,银行家谋杀受害者的家人指控苏格兰警察局长冷酷无情地拒绝会面,尽管进行了新的重新调查。 2004 banker murder victim's family accuses Scotland's police chief of callousness for refusing to meet, despite new reinvestigation.
2004 年被谋杀的银行家阿利斯泰尔·威尔逊 (Alistair Wilson) 的家人指责苏格兰警察局长乔·法雷尔 (Jo Farrell) 在拒绝与他们会面后“冷酷无情”。 The family of Alistair Wilson, a banker murdered in 2004, has accused Police Scotland's Chief Constable Jo Farrell of being "callous" after she refused to meet with them. 尽管最近宣布成立一个新的重新调查小组,但家庭对这一进程感到不知情。 Despite a recent announcement of a new reinvestigation team, the family feels uninformed about the process. 检察总长下令进行彻底的重新调查,但家人批评警察过去无能和缺乏沟通,引起对案件的连续性的关切。 The Lord Advocate ordered a complete reinvestigation, but the family criticizes the police for past incompetence and lack of communication, raising concerns about the case's continuity.