联合王国启动方案,让经批准的记者报告家庭法庭案件,以提高透明度。 UK launches program letting approved journalists report on family court cases to boost transparency.
英格兰和威尔士启动了一个全国性方案,允许经认可的记者和法律博客报道家庭法院案件,目的是提高透明度。 England and Wales have launched a nationwide program allowing accredited journalists and legal bloggers to report on family court cases, aiming to increase transparency. 该计划于2023年启动,在13个法院试行,涉及公共、私人和财务纠纷,同时保护家庭匿名。 Launched in 2023 and piloted in 13 courts, the scheme covers public, private, and financial disputes while protecting family anonymity. 该倡议力求加强公众的理解,而不会对参与者造成压力。 The initiative seeks to enhance public understanding without causing stress to those involved.