报告发现, 英国警方因低估南港刺伤事件后的暴动程度而遭到批评。 UK police faced criticism for underestimating riots after Southport stabbing, report finds.
有人批评联合王国警察低估了南港三名女学生被刺杀后发生暴动的风险。 The UK police were criticized for underestimating the risk of riots that followed the stabbing of three schoolgirls in Southport. HMICFRS的一份报告发现情报差距和国家动员计划执行滞后。 A report by the HMICFRS found intelligence gaps and a late implementation of a national mobilization plan. 报告强调了使用常规制服而不是防暴用具的问题,以及社交媒体传播错误信息的问题。 The report highlighted issues with the use of regular uniforms instead of riot gear and the spread of misinformation on social media. 尽管赞扬军官们的勇敢,但报告呼吁为今后的暴力动乱作出更好的准备。 Despite praising officers' bravery, the report called for better preparation for future violent disorder.