民意调查显示,67%的美国人支持堕胎的法律限制,60%赞成早期限制。 Poll shows 67% of Americans support legal limits on abortion, with 60% favoring early-term restrictions.
最近哥伦布骑士团和Marist Poll的民意测验显示,67%的美国人支持堕胎的法律限制,60%的人赞成对怀孕头三个月实施限制。 A recent poll by the Knights of Columbus and Marist Poll shows 67% of Americans support legal limits on abortion, with 60% favoring restrictions to the first three months of pregnancy. 调查还发现,83%支持妊娠资源中心,82%认为法律可以保护母亲及其未出生子女。 The survey also found that 83% support pregnancy resource centers and 82% believe laws can protect both mothers and their unborn children. 此外,62%的人认为,有宗教异议的保健专业人员不应被迫实施堕胎。 Additionally, 62% believe healthcare professionals with religious objections should not be forced to perform abortions.