在2021-2022年堕胎的妇女中,37%在6周或6周之后发现怀孕,使某些州禁止堕胎6周的情况复杂化。 37% of women having abortions in 2021-2022 discovered pregnancies at 6 weeks or later, complicating 6-week bans in certain states.
盖特马克研究所的一项研究发现,在2021年和2022年中断妊娠的女性中,超过三分之一 (37%) 在六周或更晚时发现怀孕,这使得佛罗里达州,爱荷华州,南卡罗来纳州和乔治亚州的六周禁令使得堕胎的机会变得复杂. A Guttmacher Institute study found that over a third of women (37%) who had abortions in 2021 and 2022 discovered their pregnancies at six weeks or later, complicating access to abortion under six-week bans in Florida, Iowa, South Carolina, and Georgia. 18岁和19岁的人,这一数字接近44%。 For 18- and 19-year-olds, the figure is nearly 44%. 研究报告强调了这些禁令带来的挑战,这些禁令往往与附加限制同时发生,使得及时堕胎变得很困难。 The study highlights the challenges posed by these bans, which often coincide with additional restrictions, making timely access to abortion difficult.