59%的爱荷华人不同意在爱荷华州禁止6周堕胎,支持合法堕胎的比例上升到64%。 6-week abortion ban in Iowa disapproved by 59% of Iowans, with support for legal abortion rising to 64%.
59%的爱荷华人不赞成在Roe诉Wade案推翻后颁布的为期六周的堕胎禁令。 A recent Iowa Poll indicates that 59% of Iowans disapprove of the state's six-week abortion ban, enacted after the Roe v. Wade overturn. 对合法堕胎的支持从2020年的50%以下上升到64%。 Support for legal abortion has risen to 64%, up from under 50% in 2020. 法律包括强奸、乱伦和母亲生命的例外。 The law includes exceptions for rape, incest, and the mother's life. 各种人口结构中,反对派力量强大,包括91%的民主党人和88%的郊区妇女。 Opposition is strong among various demographics, including 91% of Democrats and 88% of suburban women. 共和党人捍卫这项禁令,以此作为保护生命的措施,而民主党人则看到不满情绪可能给选举带来好处。 Republicans defend the ban as a life-protecting measure, while Democrats see potential electoral gains from the discontent.