北达科他州立法者提出法案, 允许堕胎达15周, North Dakota lawmaker proposes bill to allow abortions up to 15 weeks amid shifting U.S. landscape.
美国最高法院撤销Roe诉Wade案的决定, 将堕胎问题的辩论转移至州立法机关。 The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to vacate Roe v. Wade has shifted the abortion debate to state legislatures. 最近的民意调查显示,70%的美国人在头三个月支持合法堕胎,后三个月支持率下降。 Recent polls show that 70% of Americans support legal abortion in the first trimester, with decreasing support in later trimesters. 在北达科他州,多数人反对目前几乎完全禁止堕胎,支持Eric Murphy Republic的议案,该法案允许堕胎长达15周,以后出于医学上必要的原因堕胎。 In North Dakota, a majority oppose the current near-total ban, supporting Rep. Eric Murphy's bill, which would allow abortion up to 15 weeks and for medically necessary reasons later.