随着经济前景暗淡,零售商对成本增长的支撑,联合王国消费者信心受到新的低点的打击。 UK consumer confidence hits new low as economic outlook dims, retailers brace for cost increases.
英国消费者对经济的期望达到了一个新的低点,英国零售财团(BRC)的消费者情绪指数从12月的负27降至1月的负34。 UK consumer expectations for the economy have hit a new low, with the British Retail Consortium's (BRC) consumer sentiment index dropping to minus 34 in January from minus 27 in December. 这一下降部分归因于节日支出期的结束,在老一代中最为明显。 This decline is partly attributed to the end of the festive spending period and is most pronounced among older generations. 此外,BRC警告零售商面临70亿英镑的额外成本,有可能导致价格上涨和裁员。 Additionally, the BRC warns that retailers face an extra £7 billion in costs, potentially leading to price hikes and job cuts.