1月,美国消费者情绪下降,因为与预测相反,通货膨胀担心上升。 U.S. consumer sentiment drops in January as inflation fears rise, contrary to forecasts.
1月,美国消费者情绪略有下降,密歇根大学指数从12月的74.0下降到73.2。 U.S. consumer sentiment slightly declined in January, with the University of Michigan's index dropping to 73.2 from 74.0 in December. 尽管当前经济状况有所改善,但长期通胀预期却猛升至3.3%,是2008年以来的最高水平,引起人们对未来定价压力的担忧。 Despite an improvement in current economic conditions, long-term inflation expectations surged to 3.3%, the highest since 2008, raising concerns about future pricing pressures. 与经济学家预测的略微上升相反,通货膨胀预期的增加已导致消费者预期下降至70.2。 This increase in inflation expectations has led to a drop in consumer expectations to 70.2, contrary to economists' forecast of a slight rise.