研究发现儿童睡眠中的种族差异,将睡眠较短与种族主义等系统因素联系起来。 Study finds racial disparities in children's sleep, linking shorter sleep to systemic factors like racism.
密歇根州立大学最近的一项研究发现,亚裔、黑人、拉丁裔和多种族背景的儿童比非西班牙籍白人儿童少睡,晚睡觉。 A recent study by Michigan State University found that children from Asian, Black, Latino, and multiracial backgrounds sleep less and go to bed later than non-Hispanic white children. 这些差异与结构性种族主义和邻里环境等系统因素有关,而不是个人选择。 These differences are linked to systemic factors like structural racism and neighborhood environments rather than individual choices. 研究人员呼吁改变政策以改善睡眠条件,强调睡眠对儿童健康和发育的重要性。 Researchers call for policy changes to improve sleep conditions, emphasizing the importance of sleep for children's health and development.