静夜报告显示,成年人每晚醒来两次,影响健康和动机。 Silentnight report reveals adults wake up twice a night, affecting health and motivation.
“英国睡眠报告如何显示成年人晚上醒来两次, 经常是因为温度、压力或打呼噜的伴侣。 Silentnight's latest 'How Great Britain Sleeps' report shows adults wake up twice nightly, often due to temperature, stress, or a snoring partner. 36%的成年人很少得到8小时的睡眠,影响健康和动机。 36% of adults rarely get eight hours of sleep, impacting health and motivation. 为了改善睡眠, " 寂静之夜 " 建议优化睡眠环境,管理压力,制定定期睡眠时间表,解决健康和经济问题,以及定期锻炼。 To improve sleep, Silentnight suggests optimizing the sleep environment, managing stress, setting a regular sleep schedule, addressing health and financial concerns, and exercising regularly. 贫穷的睡眠会影响能量和集中,因此优先考虑更好的睡眠可以增进整体福祉。 Poor sleep affects energy and concentration, so prioritizing better sleep can enhance overall well-being.