联合王国向面临意外开支的福利领取者提供高达812英镑的无息贷款。 UK offers interest-free loans up to £812 for benefit recipients facing unexpected expenses.
联合王国工作与养老金部提供预算贷款,为享受某些福利的人提供至少6个月的无息贷款,以帮助应付新家具、衣服或房屋修理等意外开支。 The UK's Department for Work and Pensions offers Budgeting Loans, interest-free loans for those on certain benefits for at least six months, to help with unexpected expenses like new furniture, clothes, or home repairs. 向儿童福利申请者提供的贷款最多可达812英镑,必须在两年内偿还。 The loan can be up to £812 for Child Benefit claimants and must be repaid within two years. 申请可在网上或以邮寄方式提出,通常在一周之内作出网上决定,21天内作出邮政决定。 Applications can be made online or by post, with decisions typically within a week for online and 21 days for postal. 偿还款从福利中扣除。 Repayments are deducted from benefits.