联合王国将向普遍信贷求偿人提供紧急贷款的偿还期从12个月延长至24个月。 UK extends repayment period for emergency loans to Universal Credit claimants from 12 to 24 months.
联合王国工作与养恤金部将预算预付款的偿还期从12个月延长至24个月,为普遍信贷求偿人提供免税贷款。 The UK's Department for Work and Pensions has extended the repayment period for Budgeting Advances, tax-free loans for Universal Credit claimants, from 12 to 24 months. 这一改变旨在减轻那些为诸如家庭维修或与工作有关的开支等紧急情况使用贷款的人的财政压力。 This change aims to ease financial pressure on those using the loans for emergencies like household repairs or work-related expenses. 新规则于12月4日生效,尽管在此日期之前贷款的人仍须在一年内偿还。 The new rule took effect on December 4, though those who took out a loan before this date must still repay within a year.