苏格兰卫生秘书对要求在所有足球比赛会议上作笔记表示道歉。 Scottish Health Secretary apologizes for claim of notes taken at all football match meetings.
苏格兰卫生秘书Neil Gray表示歉意, 他建议他为足球比赛的所有会议保留几分钟时间。 Scottish Health Secretary Neil Gray apologized for suggesting that minutes were kept for all meetings he had at football matches. 在福伊基金会提出请求后,发现2023年联盟杯决赛的一次会议没有得到任何记录。 After an FoI request, it was found that no note was made of a meeting at the 2023 League Cup final. Gray承认了错误,但第一部长结束了这个问题,尽管反对党仍在寻求进一步澄清。 Gray admitted to the mistake, but the First Minister closed the issue, though opposition parties still seek further clarification. 与此同时,一份报告警告说,国民保健制度的护理标准下降。 Meanwhile, a report warned of declining care standards in the NHS.