越来越多的中国老年人前往城市度假,扭转了往常的家庭移徙趋势。 More Chinese seniors are traveling to cities for the holidays, reversing the usual family migration.
中国年长者越来越多地进行「逆春节旅行」, 前往城市探望孩子, Chinese elderly are increasingly making "reverse Spring Festival trips" to visit their children in cities instead of the traditional return to rural hometowns. 在改善保健和交通的推动下,这一趋势使60岁及以上人口的旅行增加了30%。 This trend, fueled by better healthcare and transportation, has seen a 30% increase in travel among those aged 60 and above. 它有助于缓解大规模节假日旅行潮,预计会有90亿次客运,而城市则通过提供关爱家庭的活动作出反应。 It helps ease the massive holiday travel rush, expected to see 9 billion passenger trips, and cities are responding by offering family-friendly activities.