马哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)的CM承诺为帕科拉附近的火车事故中12人死亡的家庭提供5百万的援助。 Maharashtra's CM pledges ₹5 lakh aid to families of 12 killed in a train accident near Pachora.
马哈拉施特拉州的首席部长宣布为最近在贾尔冈发生的火车事故中丧生的12名乘客的家属提供500万卢比的援助. Maharashtra's Chief Minister announced ₹5 lakh in aid for families of the twelve passengers killed in a recent train accident in Jalgaon. 悲剧发生时,乘客在火灾惊吓后惊慌地从火车上跳下,并被另一列火车击中。 The tragedy occurred when passengers jumped from the train in panic after a fire scare, and were struck by another train. 事件发生在距孟买约400公里的Pachora附近,当时有人拉扯了紧急链条。 The incident happened near Pachora, around 400 km from Mumbai, when someone pulled the emergency chain.